The latest issue of Technology | Human Capital | Business is out!
This week's featured article is "The strangest things job seekers have done to get hired" from Careerbuilder. The article digs into Careerbuilder's recent study "about unusual job seeker efforts to stand apart, conducted among 1,078 hiring managers" and "makes it clear that some job seekers don't know where to draw the line between getting noticed – and getting notoriety". It compiles some funny / weird situations and suggests do's and don'ts for job seekers who might want to stand out in their next interview.
Other great articles and content include:
- How to Network Without Feeling Like a Big, Fat Phony, from Brazen
- 7 Signs You Should Take the (Scary) Risk, from Inc
- How to Respond to Angry or Emotional Emails, Professionally, from Brazen
- 4 Ways Career Failure Can Help You Grow, from The Hiring Site
- Want to Become a Consultant? Ask 5 Revealing Questions First, from Brazen
- ‘How Much Did You Make at Your Last Job?’, from Dice
- How Transparency Positively Impacts Your Workplace, from Talent Culture
- A Good CV: Do You Really Need One?, from The Undercover Recruiter
- and many more, featured from 60+ top contributors!
Enjoy and stay tuned for next week's issue!
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